Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Text Messaging Etiquette

I read an article today from a mom who just got into text messaging so she could communicate with her teenage/adult children. It was humorously written saying how she liked it because it eliminated "the attitude and rolled eyes" from her kids.

This reminded me of one of my plays I did where a girl in the front row text messaged through the whole first act. I wasn't aware of it because usually you can only see the first couple of rows because it's so dark, and I don't look so I won't be distracted. However, I did notice when I was attending the theatre recently that it was distracting to me as an audience member to see someone texting near me during the production.

It's gotten so bad that apparently when the announcers give their welcoming speech now, they not only tell you to turn off your cell phones, but ask that you refrain from texting during the show. Next, we'll probably have to check them upon arrival.

I'm just now getting into texting because it's how my agent notifies me that I have an audition.
It will be a while I'm sure before I get so addicted.

1 comment:

sbwrites said...

I can't get over how rude it is that people would text message during a play.

Actually, I wonder if text messaging is a generational thing. When I was taking classes at my local community college, I noticed that while we waited for class to begin, the youngest members of our class were text messaging people, and the rest of us were talking to each other.

Somehow, talking to each other seemed like such a better way to spend time.