I've never been very good at trusting. Maybe it's my Sicilian heritage, "Never sit with your back to the door."
I remember a management team exercise we had once where it turned out that having to trust was the secret to winning. Guess what...my team lost. I'm sure I was influential in the game.
Today, I finally got back to my yoga class after a three-month lay off...shame on me. Excuses like play rehearsals, the holidays, a week's vacation, etc., etc. Boy, did I miss it. However, I had a test today. (I'm getting back to the trust issue in case you're wondering.) I had just laid down on my mat as class was starting when I remembered I forgot to lock my car. Usually, I put my purse in the trunk before I leave home ever since I read an article that said baddies are on to the fact that women don't bring their purses into class, leaving them in the car. I forgot to do that this morning, so I put my purse in the trunk of my new car after I arrived. Maybe it was the fact I was admiring the Jag parked next to my Honda CRV before I went in that distracted me...but it just hit me that I didn't remember hitting the lock on the remote.
Choices...do I leave now and then be one of those people who come back in and make noise as everyone has just chilled out a little...or do I really test myself in "letting go of all worries" as Linda usually says at the beginning of class. Do I trust that the universe will send angels down to protect my car? There are usually people coming and going at the Center all the time, so I'm thinking, "Cami, relax. It will be there when you get out. It would be noticeable if someone were trying to steal your car."
Then I thought about the guy at the dealership when we bought the car who told us this car is one of the most stolen as he's trying to sell us the extra warranty and insurance.
I'm thinking...let's face it, not everyone would wait two months to get "green tea metallic." Now if it were silver, I might have to worry. In any event, I did finally relax thru class; and when I came out, there was my car safe and sound. Just as I was really getting used to it too.
Treading Life
7 years ago
Well, you're a lot more trusting than I would be. By the time, the yoga class was over, I would have been tied up in knots!
ha ha ha...
This what I felt after reading your blog.
Your blog has got freshness.
Thank you so much, Sudhesh for the nice message. Have a good day!
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