You don't have to be an actor to get a lot of the book, the ARTIST'S WAY, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron. I was reminded of that when I had lunch with a friend who said she hadn't spoken to her dad in three months due to a misunderstanding.
The first thing that came to my mind about my friend's situation was the advice about writing a letter to the person with whom you want to say things to that you know may worsen a situation and that you may later regret. You write the letter and tear it up. I've never done that...but I have used my morning pages from the ARTIST'S WAY to unleash any anger I may have toward someone.
But, this daily act, which is one of two basic tools Julia recommends in this book, has far more reaching benefits than just that. It gives you clarity. It helps clean house...(don't I wish)...of the brain that is...clear away the clutter. What is getting in our way of being our authentic selves?
Julia says, "The pages lead us out of despair and into undreamed-of solutions." She states, "When I am stuck with a painful situation or problem that I don't think I know how to handle, I will go to the pages and ask for guidance."
Three 8 1/2 x 11 pages written in long hand of whatever comes into your mind. It's called stream of consciousness writing. It works.
And now, I've got to go back to rereading this wonderful book. I have to admit I've lapsed and not done my morning pages in quite some time. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to
post more often. My creativity has been stifled. Look out. I'm coming says here
in fine print.
Treading Life
7 years ago