We always hear about the times we get poor service, particularly when dining out. Today, Julie blew us away! We only eat in this seafood restaurant about two or three times a year, because we only go to it when we're in the area. It's almost always busy.
Our last visit was perhaps two months ago. When Julie waited on us, she said, "Do you want the carmelized salmon again?" I looked at her in astonishment. (I did remember that she had waited on us the last time, but we didn't have a particularly chatty time then).
She didn't let it go at that. "Would you like to start with the shrimp cocktail appetizer too?" Again, my mouth dropped open. "Coffee to drink." The last time was the first time Julie had ever waited on us.
While we were waiting for our food, I remembered that we had a long wait because we got there mid lunch hour. I was just thinking that when she brought our food and said, "Better service than last time, huh? I was embarrassed the last time because it took so long," she said.
I just looked at her...she said, "I just have a good memory." Really!!
I just hope Julie gets incredible tips. There has to be some special reward for
that gift. Yea, we did our part.
Now, she had left one of those cards to fill out, asking for our email address for special coupons. I never fill those out. I'm already bombarded with Border's, etc., well, I do like some coupons. But, since Julie's name was on the bottom, and I'm sure she gets some kind of credit for this, I went ahead and filled out the form. Well, at least I'll get some kind of a discount for my birthday. It's the least I could do for that extraordinary service today.
Btw, I had mahi mahi today, just for a change. The next time I think I'll ask for Julie's station. I never can make up my mind on the menu. "Just bring me the usual."